Banking Vocabulary


ATM/Cash Point         Distributeur Automatique de Billets
Bank account           Compte bancaire
Bank balance            Solde bancaire
Bank statement        Relevé de compte
Check book               Carnet de chèque
BIC                             Bank Identifier Code is a unique code which identifies
Code personnel        Online banking : the secret code for access to account
Débit différé              Delayed debits are grouped together and taken out of
                                   an account at the end of the month

Débit immédiat       Immediate debit: debits that are immediately deducted
                                  from your account when paying with a credit card
Découvert                Overdraft (UK) Overdrawn (US)

IBAN                         International Bank Account Number:
                                  Letters and numbers that identify a specific bank  account.
                                  It is needed to make international money transfers.

Mensualité:              Monthly payment or repayment

Prélèvement            Automatic direct debit from one’s account to pay for utility
                                  bills such as phone, electric etc. The account holder signs
                                  an authorization to debit his/her  account

RIB                             Relevé d’Identité Bancaire is used to give organizations
                                   your account information so that they can make bank
                                   transfers directly into your account

Savings account        Compte d’épargne
Taux                           Rate of interest

TIP                             Titre Interbancaire de Paiement can be signed by the
                                   account holder in order to give permission to directly
                                   debit his/her account the amount requested by the
                                   company. This is used very often to pay bills that
                                   need to be paid regularly                                  
Titulaire                     Account holder

Versement                 Depositing money into an account

Virement                    Transferring money into an account 

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